Sergeant Jue was hired by Stockton Unified School District as a Police Officer in 2013. He has worked various assignments including Patrol, K9 Handler, Field Training Officer, and Investigations. He completed the Robert Presley Institute of Criminal Investigation program with an ICI Foundation specialty in sexual assault investigations. Sergeant Jue has been awarded the National School Resource Officer Practitioner Certificate by the National Association of School Resource Officers for his commitment to school-based policing. Sergeant Jue is certified by California Peace Officers Standards and Training as an instructor in the areas of Firearms, Tactical Rifles, Driver’s Awareness, and Emergency Vehicle Operations. Sergeant Jue is currently the Department of Public Safety’s Primary Firearms Instructor, Military Equipment Coordinator, Terrorism Liaison Officer Coordinator, and serves on the Use of Force Review Board. Segreant Jue is currently assigned to the Emergency Services Division.