It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Stockton Unified School District Department of Public Safety Website. Our mission is to provide a safe learning environment for our staff and students while ensuring equality and inclusivity through a guardian mindset. It is an honor to serve, as your police chief, alongside the great men and women of the SUSD Department of Public Safety.
Our department is made up of caring and courageous professionals that are committed to treating all with dignity and respect. Our staff is highly dedicated to make a difference in our community through restorative practices, youth and community engagement, and a holistic approach. I am confident that you will find our officers highly trained to handle matters involving youth within our school system. A specialized field in law enforcement, our officers wear many hats such as mentor, counselor, friend, law enforcement officer, protector, and ultimately a Guardian of our future: Our Youth.
Our department is unique and one of a few police departments within a k-12 educational school system in California. We are a fully operational, independent police department that operates 24/7, houses its own dispatch center and fingerprint processing center. Our sworn staff is authorized Peace Officer powers per 830.32 PC and interacts and shares jurisdiction with City and County law enforcement agencies. I encourage you to navigate our website to learn about our department, our resources, and the services we provide. Safety is a shared responsibility so we continue to look for ways to connect with our community as it is through public trust and support that we can provide a safe environment for our staff and students to thrive. Follow us on Facebook at SUSD DPS Facebook and Instagram SUSD DPS Instagram for department updates and upcoming community events.
Thank you for visiting our website and getting to know us. We look forward to seeing you around and getting to know you.